Garfield Heights High School Class of 1967
Garfield Heights, Ohio
The “Lady Bulldogs” met for lunch at Mavis Winkle's in Twinsburg on July 16th.
Great dinner with classmates at Harry's Steakhouse in Independence on June 29.

Welcome to the Class of 1967 Website!

Suggestions or comments?
Contact us at
Take a trip down memory lane and visit our various pages listed to the left.
It is our hope to keep the Class of 1967 informed with messages from the members of our class, and info on any events that may be scheduled.

Please come back often!
Don't miss it!
Enjoy a casual gathering of the
GHHS Class or 1967
at our 55th year class reunion!
August 20, 2022
Reunion contact:
All Alumni Zoom
Audrey Sopko organized another Zoom session for our alumni. It was held on July 7th at 6pm and the attendees for it were: Bill Williams, Jane Mencel Lapointe, Linda Wike Calkins, Stan Slempa, Rhea Jones Ashmore and Audrey of course! Another call should be forthcoming in the future. Audrey will notify everyone via email with details as to how to participate.
And remember--
The“Lady Bulldogs” continue to meet for lunch at area restaurants.
For more information, contact Audrey Sopko,