Garfield Heights High School Class of 1967
Garfield Heights, Ohio
The “Lady Bulldogs” met for lunch at Mavis Winkle's in Twinsburg on July 16th.
Great dinner with classmates at Harry's Steakhouse in Independence on June 29.
FIRST ROW: Slempa, Virgili, Spiss, Pohorel, Janke.
SECOND ROW: Yesenski, Strazzanti, Mr. Hargett, Horwath, Podojil.
The talent and skill displayed by Garfield's Bowling team has carried them to an impressive 79 - 13 record. These boys finished up the seasons placing first in the Greater Cleveland Interscholastic Bowling Scratch League.
The team's highest single game was 1066. Leading the bowlers with an impressive average of 179 was Allan Janke. Allan also placed sixth out of 190 bowlers in the city.
The team's coach is Mr. Hargett and the captain is Stan Slempa.