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The “Lady Bulldogs” met for lunch at Mavis Winkle's in Twinsburg on July 16th.  

Great dinner with classmates at Harry's Steakhouse in Independence on June 29.


FIRST ROW: Mr. Subotnik, Rice, Scarvilli, Szaraz, Solar, Slenczak, Karabinas, Kadowaki, Vidd.

SECOND ROW: McClune, Sanuk, Gerak, Hruby, Finocchi, Baranovic, Glowick, Stakes.

THIRD ROW: Germano, Jones, Kopp, Horrigan, Levis, Kovac, Caran, Gazdeck.

FOURTH ROW: Kosey, Zielaskiewicz, Bujak, Denzine, Soltysiak, Steck, Meyer.


Al Denzine, Patty Scarvilli, Kathy Rice.

     In its fourth year of publication, the Garfield Mirror has continued its tradition of outstanding journalism. Editor Patty Scarvilli and her executive staff-Co-Editor Al Denzine, Sports Editor Ken Nowak, and Junior Associate Editor Kathy Rice-have upheld this tradition of excelance with their long hours of work. Their efforts to meet each deadline has been backed by the conscientious work of their reporters and the cooperation of their advisor Mr. Ralph Subotnik.

The student body owes a special debt of thanks to the '67 Mirror Staff. Not only did they present an accurate and interesting account of events at Garfield, but also exemplified the spirit that was the class of '67.

     ©2007 GHHS Class of 1967

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